Monday, July 28, 2008
11:18 AM
couldn't wake up ytd for mg,
cos when i wake up that time,
was having fever,
so my mom asked me not to go and sleep,
and strangely,
i obeyed her. Lol.
sleep awhile more and wake up,
decided to go there listen to GD's guidance.
so rush there and everything was ended. =.-
saw jefferson and he is BOTAK! =D
thought where he went during the instutition mtg,
he went to camp before 12th july,
sad case for him but had a chat with him,
it was quite a nice one. HAHAHA
went to eat with xl and cherie at prata house.
saw sl and gangs. =X (what should i call them den?)
wait very long for the people there to serve us.
ate 1 egg, 2 plain.
sl ate 2 egg, 1 plain and she complained that,
she's full. =.- den dun order 2 egg, 1 plain. -.=
nvm. went back to ICA with xl and cherie,
to wait for ky.
wanted to ZzZ but couldn't cos,
both of them are talking abt hamsters & HP (hamster porn) live. =.-
so OMG!!
though i am YMD and will be like laughing at these stuffs,
but i really cannot take it.
ky reached and pass xl stuffs and they left. finally. (:
went to help out qj's coaching class.
pathetic as mine,
3 coachers 1 students (qj's class),
while 4 coachers 2 students (mine).
after that went to do mg at basement.
chant half way got SGM mbrs and nf come to BR to sansho,
so we happily go in and chant. (:
chanted till 12.30pm and went back to where we were.
listened to qj's presentation and it's not bad.
went to eat after that and to ep's zandankai.
was super late and missed everything. hais.
went to tpy and swim alone cos sk ps me.
made an appointment on sunday,
den he thought is sat and he went alr.
so left me alone.
but oso not bad,
tried many stuns,
but i felt that breast stroke is the best,
so i swam super many laps of breast stroke.
after that went to bath and t0 sk's hse.
chant and study abit,
watch movie, "The X File".
the movie is quite gross,
but heck care, cont to watch.
went home after movie.
class starts at 12 today but i'm still at home now.
dun intend to go for ELTECH lecture,
cos very tired. gotta sleep awhile and den,
do my mg and off to school.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
3:04 AM
was late for school again ytd.
almost everyday i'm late,
and i'm gotta be debar from exams,
if i continue to be late for lectures. =/
had e-quiz ytd during EG1 tutorial.
the topic is on complex number,
i thought i can get close to full marks,
but due to my careless mistake,
i've gotten 61/100,
which i'm really very sad about.
but there are still people worst den me,
and i'm not joyous about that,
cos i'm not that kind of person,
who builds my happiness on other's sufferings.
3 weeks more to exams,
better chant hard and study hard,
to get my GPA 4.0 for this semester.
had a course selection talk at LT 73 ytd.
nothings is more worst to choose course,
again after Os.
after seeing the video of AT,
i'm actually thinking of choosing AT.
reason is very simple,
i wan to fly a plane and touch those equipments. (:
i'm so contridicting =/
but i'm also going to put EE as my 2nd choice,
so i'm actually,
trying to be funny,
as the vancacies for AT is 11 only. =P
so went down to SYC after that to study.
saw benben, jian zhong, heng yuan, guo wei and this YWD, Christy.
i must admit that she's quite pretty,
and when i tell benedict and ky about it,
benedict thought i'm interested in her.
please la.. i say so many girls pretty.
if all i'm interested, den all is my gf alr? LOL
well, had so much fun by di-siao-ing this YWD.
gotta disturb her again at FLINT 5 tml. =X
feeling quite unwell now. i need to have the fighting spirit to fight the sansho-shima,
so what should i do?
daimoku, daimoku and more daimoku!! (:
Friday, July 25, 2008
1:14 AM
was late for S&W again. =.-
i'm late for 4mins
and my coach asked me to do 80 push-ups. =/
so which means,
each min that i'm late,
i need to do 20 push-ups.
but i'm not stupid to the extend,
that do the full 80 push-ups for him.
do the slacking way of push-ups,
which is nv go down fully.
but the highest record is 400 now,
it's been broken by a guy.
better sleep early next wed,
if not i sure late for S&W again. -.=
i duno why nowdays i've been seeing a lot of girls who are smoking. frankly speaking, no matter how pretty that girl is, the moment that i saw she's smoking, immediately i will deduct marks. but i'm oso wondering something which i shouldnt have been wondered. anw, these few days been seeing AJ-ians around me.
when i'm on the way home on tuesday, i saw one AJ guy at kovan at 3plus. i'm jus wondering whether he dismissed too early or pon his lecture or tutorial class. but i dun think there is anyone from JC that is so "clever" to pon lecture or tutorial class unless that person is feeling unwell.
argh! wondering somethings which i shouldnt be wondering. ECP course selection later on. the course manager from each course will be talking to us on the course that we ECP students can choose based on our results. so far, they offered 9 courses for us to choose:
so i'm having headache now on which course am i suppose to choose. AT? nah. i dun like aerospace. i rather study something which i like and not something which can make me earn a lot of money. well, talking abt AT and AE, i rmb some funny things which ep told me last yr.
she said that if she go to poly, she will be choosing either AT or AE cos she like to touch the things inside the rocket but when she went to further explore, she found out that it's only aeroplanes and she was like sian diao. but a few days later, she found out that other country defines aerospace as really go to space but for SG, they define it as aeroplanes and immediately she was like =.- Lol.
no ME lecture tml,
and my ELTECH lecture starts at 1pm.
so which means,
i need to be in school by 1pm.
so i can sleep happily for duno how many hours! (:
Thursday, July 24, 2008
1:15 AM
saw this YWD at NDP and milkrun
she's quite pretty but too less fresh
so it's make her machiam pi1 bao2 gu3,
and she's from TSS
so which means.. LOL!!
but den.. i just wondered.. =/
i remembered something after looking so many blogs,
there is something which i've done wrong last year.
which i made it very hard for that person to accept it again.
well, think i need to chant hard and think of ways to,
connect that person back to gakkai again.
alright. this is my last post before i go bath and do my eg and eventually S-L-E-E-P! =/
S&W and CATS tml.. i gotta be dead.. =.-
12:59 AM
i wondered somehow whether am i the fortunate one or am i the unlucky one. i had a talked with sk after training jus now and he's really quite vex alr. i dun wish to bomb him with my problem and making him more vex.
everytime when i recalled what happened to him and ***. sometimes, i will have funny thoughts like somehow, maybe.. but wadever is it, is 2 years really enough for me? i really duno but my mind always tell me, 2 years.. 2 years.. what does the 2 years really meant?
this gosho passage is always in my mind, "though one might point at the earth and miss it, though one might bind up the sky, though the tide might cease to ebb and flow and the sun rise in the west, it could never come about that the prayers of the practitioners of the Lotus Sutra will go unanswered." (WND, 345)
this is the assurance that Nichiren Daishonin gave us and it's true. but i'm always thinking whether when will the prayers that i prayed will come. stop complaining and keep praying till it's answered and what i am thinking is doubting the Gohonzon.
"remember! Gohonzon first attitude!!"
since when are u two become good friends? i just wondered.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
1:36 PM
alright. shall blog awhile before shutting down my laptop. battery gotta flat soon. =/
today had a very happy day as no ELTECH tutorial cos lecturer dunno go where so the whole class had 3hours break. went to alumni to eat and eat thai chicken and it's not bad but price is abit.. =.-
played a match of dota with them and won the game. used luna and frankly speaking, my farming skill is soooo bad and i farm till so slow.. =.- no wonder gene will be at there scolding me, "ck u sux!" or "u better buck up."
7% left =/
Oh, blessed be the love that blooms on the battleground,
The love that illuminates the thorny path.
Let it herald a sailing afresh.
Ready is my love to blossom amid the turbulence.
This, then, is a love noble and strong.
Monday, July 21, 2008
10:26 PM
2years enough? frankly speaking, i duno for myself oso. =/
woohoo~ YMD formation day was a great success!! jus received a message from my assis. chapter chief, raymond saying that, "for the 1st time in SSA history, we achieved attendance of 1225 new friends within a single day! lets ride on this momentum to achieve our next V-I-C-T-O-R-Y in CFG!" well, can have 1226 de but den, yz suddenly was been grounded so, nvm la.. still got CFG but i'm not gotta invite him. =D
ytd's concert is really very nice. had so much fun talking to gene as he is beside me. i'm like disturbing his mood as what i told him is nothing but all crap. this old friend of mine is really very tolerent alr compared to my poly friends. anw, nv complain!! (:
today school was normal. thought got maths lecture but dun have cos ms wong cancelled it. make me rush to school for nothing =.- so much things had happened and i duno how to say. use ur mouth and say la. LOL!!
Waiting out the storm,
Fiercely punds my heart.
Is it leaping at the thought of the storm?
No, I know it beats strongly but only in secret.
Oh, my heart has found
In you a flowing fountain.
It seeks in you a blossoming flower.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
10:20 AM
tml is coming and jerry is very nervous. this whole week jerry had been very nervous and had been distracted by tml's talk. jerry had been telling himself not to be distracted by that and also had been chanting very hard not to be distracted but he can't helped it. so what should jerry do? chant more. =/
alright. i'm gotta share something which i've read ytd. Daishonin is really very fierce ya? 28 April 1253, at the age of 32, he first chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo after staying in a room for 7 days. he walked back to a temple and there, many people is there waiting for him are his mentor, his collegues, seniors and citizens. they are very curious on what had Renko (Daishonin) had found out after 12 years of looking for answers of Buddhism.
when he reached, he seated down and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo three times. the audience there were very shock as at that time, nobody had heard of this chanting before. so Renko started his lecutre. he pointed out that the True Word, Zen school and the Precept are giving false teaching and the people there, some are shocked, some are angry while others couldn't believed what they have heard.
so after 28 April 1253, Daishonin's percution started. i read till here and stopped alr. Lol. but i'll keep reading. hey people, if you wanna know more, check out The Human Revolution (HR) book 1 volume 6, chapter 1 : The Seventh Centennial
Thursday, July 17, 2008
11:31 AM
went to school late today. was been punished by my S&W coach by doing 160 push-ups. 1 min 10. so i late 16mins and i must do 160. =.- but i oso not stupid. do 110 push-ups only. hand is so ache now. =.-
after doing, went into the pool. do 6 laps breast stroke and free style. do swimming these two stroke that time very xin1 ku3 cos just finished "160" push-ups den go down swim, of cos tired la. whole hand tml confirm ache. argh!
learn the kicking of butterfly again today. somehow, somewhat, i felt that my hip is not been control by me. need to use my hip to make that whole body move in the water but i think i can't do it. ZzZ i think need to do something to make my hip to be controlled by me. WUAHAHAHA!
time to jian3 fei2 alr. GYM!! RUNNING!! SWIMMING!! i wan to do so many things but i've got no time!! start chanting boy!!
i've been wondering. am i that no worth to talk to you or are you scare that we will start quarreling again after we talk? even saying goodbye face to face also will take you a lot of time? well, stop complaining jerry! chant for everything to be well.
3 days more to go. =S
Monday, July 14, 2008
11:13 PM
alright.. pictures time.. so long nv post any pictures.. for some stupid reasons, i cant post it at afternoon.. =.-
chingay qian shou (:
i'm gotta try one last time.. if this time cannot, i gotta heck care.. talking abt devilish of the six heaven. i'm actually one as sk said i'm one. i oso felt that i'm one too. >.<
went to syc after study meeting with sk. bought some breadtalk breads at only $1.10 each. so cheap huh? well, breadtalk anni ma.. so whoever wans to eat bread go breadtalk buy now is very worth.. studied a little maths and ELTECH but due to w/o calculator, i went to sleep and slack. if i gotta continue the way i'm going now, i gotta cmi to NUS, this is for sure =.- not gotta waste my parents' money and i'm gotta reset my determination again.
so after studying at syc, went to TBSC for TPY zone leaders training. learnt alot of things from ex-YWD youth chief. PRIME POINT!! XD went to kopi-kai with cheng see, chee seng and sikang. learnt alot of things from them oso. heard that ex YMD youth chief has graduated to MD alr. i'll definately miss his crap de. ): cheng see is sooo good to send me back home cos got rain. sk oso got long bang too. thx cheng see..
i gotta do my things and go sleep if not tml cant wake up.. ZzZ
6 days more
i gotta do my things and go sleep if not tml cant wake up.. ZzZ
6 days more
3:05 PM
i'm bored.. =/
actually i've done so many stupid things and when i think back from now, i think that i'm actually very childish.. i dun think there's a need for me to do so many this kind of things but i did it for the sake of doing it. argh!! wadever it is, i'm jus simply have no wisdom at all.. 3 poison is in me. O.o
went to TPY zone ldr's training ytd with sk. before that we went to study meeting and i've learnt alot of things. ahaha tian zi mo.. i am actually one of the devilsh of the six heaven. Lol.. >.<
-.- duno what happened.. edited my post and cant be publish.. argh!! heck care liao.. dun wanna type everything out again.. ZzZ
Sunday, July 13, 2008
9:35 AM
seriously, i've to say this. no pretty girls to see.. LOL!! but as i've said, still got the handphone that pretty girl to see so still ok. well, how to describe her? er. when she's acting cute, she is really very cute. when she is no acting and smiling, she is really very pretty.. but when she is angry, OMG!! i cant think of it anymore or else all my brain cells will be killed.. =X so in conclusion, she is KA-WA-I!! (:
for some reasons, i couldnt find my blog url at my address there.. HAHAHA cos i always go to ...'s blog den link to mine so i guess mine has gone for some stupid reason ba.. hmm.. O.o
sometimes, i really cant breathe anymore. it's not that i gotta die or wad but everything seems to be not in my favour. i really hope that i can explain everything to u as soon as possible. when i heard from u saying that he didnt go for the mtg, i knew that, that time when we quarrelled, we jus quarrelled for the sake of quarrelling. but why just cant we sit down and have a heart-to-heart dialogue?
it's not easy for me to keep going on. if i were to say i've no complains for all this quarrelling, i'm actually lying. i oso know that it's not easy for u to keep going on but no matter wad may happens, i'll keep praying for this to be solved and i really hope that u will do so as this concern both of us and not jus u or me aolne.
everything happened for a reason. but i duno wad is the reason for all this quarrellings. but we will soon know the answer. don't you think so?
OK! enough of this and that and us. Lol. i'm just typing for the sake of typing. alright, no more. well.. study meeting and studying of ELTECH and EG1 later..
Thursday, July 10, 2008
9:32 PM
tml got 2 test. one is EG 1 and the other is COMPRO. i guess i'll do badly for the test. gotta flunk the two tests i guess.. i wan to study after playing dota.. but before that i've to do eg before studying. if not no wisdom.
started to learn the proper kicking for butterfly today. chest muscles ache till =.- drank so much the pool water cos doing the breast stroke that time, my head is not high up enough that why choke on the water.. -.=
duno why nowdays when go out or go school that time, dun have pretty girls to see leh.. omg.. i'm so ti ko.. mayb got influence by ppl ba.. but no pretty girls outside to see, i still got my handphone that pretty girl to see.. somemore wallpaper.. love her man.. LOL!! :D
alright.. back to my game alr and study after that..
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
11:25 AM
for all i know, i've been sick since monday. i'm really very tired alr, pls give me a break can? i dun wanna to be sick anymore!! i wan to go school!! gakkai!! gym!! see girls!! OOPS!! =X Lol..
my ELTECH lab lecturer just called me and asked me why didnt i turned up for lab test ytd. i oso wan to go but i'm really too tired to get down the bed. even have fever last night. i think high fever ba if not i wont be feeling so cold at SYC and even at home when the fan is blowing me. =.-
to think about it, it's really my fault la. i thought i'm fine alr den ah, went to gym with gene and his classmate and not only that leh, went to swimming after that and was super duper late for coaching dmk. not only that, i forgot to bring the game paper which i was the game master and was been forfeited to dance FD mass dance for milkrun as to entertain them.
hais.. i've to get back to do my e-learning, web tutorial and MOL alr.
Monday, July 7, 2008
12:13 PM
i'm really very tired. =/
lets look at one of the guidance which i had got it ytd. "You can talk all about sincerity and integrity all you want, but unless your actions match your words, it's pointless." - Josei Toda
chant for everything to be fine.. it definately will be..
Saturday, July 5, 2008
2:09 AM
all right.. blog awhile and will go sleep. i have got alot of things to blog but i dunno what to blog. hmm.. well, talked abt stomp ba..
went to stomp trg at SK jus now when i'm at TBSC. had a long journey there cos i took bus 10. =.- i swear that i'll never ever take bus 10 to TSC at peak hour ever again. reached there den see see abit and went to MTA. saw RHQ 2 de ppl there and they were having mass dance training with RHQ 1. vincci and ivan asked me to stay there and watch den give them some comment but i stayed awhile and went to chanting room and chant. basically, the students dun have the spirit and must jiayou liao leh!! tml is milkrun le still have this kind of spirit!! how can!!
after chanting went to sk basement to see the stomp trg. not much difference but at first i really cant feel the spirit which i had experienced on thursday. but after that can feel abit of their high-ness alr. maybe i'm too vex abt the problem that i've jus created. well, dun say anymore.
mass dance rehearsal later on and NE show 1. i'll die due to fatigue. LOL!!
it really hurt me so much when u said u wan me to disappeared infront of you. i wan to know wad have i done to made u so angry and u said it's non of my business. it really pierced me damn hard as if a sword is piercing tho my heart. the things that i've said is really too much and i'm jus saying out of rage. chant for the best ba.. jiayou!!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
12:09 AM
wooo~ i'm gotta blog abit before going to do my research of my project, SCARA robot. (:
went to have lunch with sk ytd. on my way to outram, i saw this girl wearing a shirt looks very cute and this is how the shirt wrote :
Girls = Money x Time
Money = Time
Girls = Money x Money = Money sq
Money is root of all evil
Money = sq rt of EVIL
Girls = EVIL
LOL!! the wording on this shirt is cool right? so is my memory =P
went for the Nationwide Youth Prayer Meeting jus now. stopped gongyo at 8.30pm and it is when i'm doing my gongyo half-way. so chiong-ed gongyo and my slient prayers. watched Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting. Sensei is really very cute when doing the ashi. HAHAHA plus he is also so a joker too!! XD
Sensei had said alot of things but i forgotten almost everything but the thing which i remembered is that Sensei played piano to encourage a SGI member and this is not inside the agenda but everything is alr been set-up for sensei to do. This is the heart of which we, disciple of Ikeda Sensei should have. well, lets all JIAYOU!! ^^
i'm going back to do my project research alr. tonight is really a struggle for me. well, DETERMINATION!!! before i forget, when i was on my way to school ytd, i passed this place and there is 3 shelter there with colours and guess what? the colours is Gakkai colour of Red, Yellow and Blue. sooo cool.. even ppl know the SGI colour. LOL!! XD